Sunday, June 15, 2008

Only in New Zealand (part 10)


And the worst part: my family (who is all together today at my parents...sitting by the pool BBQing is probably eating more cherries than they can imagine off my dad's cherry tree!! Ahh the days of living in the fruit and nut capital of the world are over for awhile!


Erica said...

Oh man I love cherries. They are six dollars a pound here. I remember I think I paid fifteen dollars in Hong Kong for a bag of cherries just cause I missed home so much. I didn't share I just ate in one sitting greedily. Than I had diarhea for days. I can't remember if it was worth it:).

Anonymous said...

I was just eating some when I read that! Spain has a similar climate to CA so I get a lot of the same fruits vegetables so that is nice... but nuts - that's where they kill me with prices!

Cheryl said...

OH MY STARS! Ok, I won't complain again about paying $2.99