Monday, July 14, 2008

Life Dreams Fulfilled

Don't you love those moments when you are right in the middle of something and all of a sudden you realize one of your life long dreams are being fulfilled. It is a surreal moment. This week I helped some friends with a fundraiser. We did Stock Take (inventory) for a book store in town and in return they got $800--cool, huh?

About 4 1/2 hours into scanning book after book after book, and then rescanning it because I had double scanned or counted wrong I had this thought: "Oh my gosh I wanted to be the person that scanned things with the little red light gun. (which by the way because of a very very bad date, I do know that there are actually engineers that come up with the ability for that little red light to be scanned...but I digress) I am living my dream. AGHHH!!!" Why did I scream? Because it about did my head in that night. It was quite possibly one of the most miserable jobs I could think of. Not only, do you have to not talk (which is a nightmare for me) so that you can concentrate and not redo your shelf over and over again...which I had too! But your mind is left to just think--which is never good for me. I am not one of those people that need tons of time by myself and/or in my head. Most of the time I end up going crazy and over analyzing everything. And last night there was one particular scenario I was hoping didn't happen throughout the night, and want to guess what happened? Yep, you guessed it--the one thing I hoped didn't happen--did. SO there I sat by myself scanning row after row after row, trying to have a good attitude, trying not to be irritated and trying to be a nice person. None of it really worked that well, but I did laugh in utter amazement at myself when I realized that I was living out a childhood dream...scanning items.

Sometimes dreams are like that, huh? It was more than I hoped for--not just scanning a few items, but scanning items for over 4 hours with my own scanner gun. That is way more than I ever hoped for, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I was running on the beach thinking about that whole idea, as I thought of some disappointing areas I have faced as of late. I sometimes get the thing I so desperately think I wanted--and even get more than I had originally thought, and it just doesn't come the way I thought it would. I hate that about life. I feel like my life has been on a roller coaster the last few months. Dreams have been realized, dreams have been dashed, dreams have been ignited and dreams have been shattered. I can't say I have enjoyed it but it is what it is. If I can learn to endure it when my shattered dream are staring me in the face I think I will be just fine...

Staying with this theme, let me tell you about another life long dream. (Mom you may want to skip this part...) I loved adventure since I was a little girl. So much so that when I played house, I couldn't just play house, I had to play "disaster house." What is that you ask? I would think up a disaster and I would then have to save people or I had to keep everyone okay until people came to save us all. My favorite was plane crash or scary man coming in the school. I guess I always just had a sense of risk and adventure and pictured myself in all these crazy as situations. Well, today again I had one of those life long dreams fulfilled moments.

My friend Luke called me today saying, "So I have the cell phone number to the Prime Minister of Fiji--the other guy (a former coup leader) gave me his number. What should I say to him?" WHAT?!!! Of course my friend Luke has the Prime Minister's (who also over threw the government and is how he is in power now) personal cell phone number, why would he not? Luke follows that up with, "I also have the Secretary General's cell number." Of course he does! Luke called the Prime Minster today and we now have a meeting with the Prime Minster of Fiji while we are well as with another former coup leader and some other people in the country. I am not sure what this 10 days in Fiji will be like but I have a feeling that it will be nothing short of an adventure. And did I mention there is a slight possibility I can't get back into NZ when I return? Yeah...will just hope for the best on that one.

As I hung up with Luke and drove to work I had to laugh at my life, yet once again. You never quite know how dreams are going to be fulfilled and you never know how you are going to handle it. But the last 7 months have been crazy and it only leaves me wondering what possibly could be next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...