Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life in LA

LA has away of evoking much emotion for me, and this time is no different. I thought I would give you the highlights as I enter blog world again from BLISSFUL World. Though I have to say, the two worlds are about to collide here now that Sam is here with me. :)

Highlights of the last 2 Weeks:
10. One Word....SAM!
9. Disneyland--laughing SO hard on "It's A Small World" at the pathetic display and representation of New Zealand...and laughing hard as Sam noticed the HUGE display of Australia next. Hehehehehe
8. Laughing for hours while doing nothing in LA with Sam.
7. Seeing friend at Mosaic and feeling so HAPPY to be back.
6. Driving up the Hwy 1 Coast Drive...for HOURS!! But loving every minute of it with Sam.
5. Hanging out in Redding with all our friends! (I bet Sam's highlight was sleeping Lakey's Race Car bed...I think he felt like he was living the dream!)
4. Meeting my parents and Aunt Denise and Jim!
3. Starting my job at the Art Directors Guild, and working on the Academy Awards Show. (only one air head moment so far: I changed Amy's (Amy Reynolds is my boss) email to Korean with one little click. Who does that? And I had no idea how to get it back. So I did what any former IT assistant would do...kept clicking buttons until it worked again. Later I found out I had just clicked the "deleted folder" Oops...hehehehe)
2. Staying in Zane and Audrey's room in a fun bed Amy and Scott set up for me. (What a in New Zealand, living in a 6 year old's room and living with an 8 year old and 4 year old! What a FUN year of memories!!!)
1. And I have to say the highlight of the last two weeks is SAM!! Hands down, no contest!

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