Thursday, June 4, 2009

4 Days...

I got my official name take for work the other says Dana Ackland....

It made me smile HUGE! I can't believe how incredible it felt to see that and then have someone say Dana Ackland out loud. Crazy that after almost 33 years I will go to the beach, but this beach trip I will leave a COMPLETELY different person. Sam makes me a better person. In 4 days I will marry my best friend.

I have to say though that through the crazy story that we seem to have written there have been some surprising moments along the way. It has been so fun to share our story, the ups and the downs. One of the ups this week has been realizing how great old friends are. My best friends decided to be creative with making me feel special. Sam and I have loved the choices we have made and love our little life we are building in Jacksonville and I LOVE that I don't have to say good bye to him for a year....Yay for America letting people stay once they are married no matter what that visa says :) But the choices we made meant we are far away from our family and friends. It has made me not only adjust my dreams which at times was hard but more than that I received this incredible gift...when you let go of what you thought you wanted you often times end up getting more than you ever dreamed....

A couple of my friends organized people to send me gifts in the mail all in the midst of week that seemed semi normal...go to work, come home, clean the house, do wedding things, and get ready for the weekend, I ended up feeling like I had girlfriends around all week. I never in a million years dreamed my wedding shower would be through the mail, but how cool is that? I bet there aren't very many brides that can say every day after work she got at least one piece of lingerie in the mail...and after all is said and done I will say it one more time....I will marry my best friend on the beach in 4 days....I knew I ALWAYS loved the beach but now it will be the place we will never forget.

To make a long story is our little story in three pictures...

Back in NZ when I was pretending I had no interest in Sam at all...I am pretty sure this day I told him I was going to America, going to break his heart, and there would NEVER be anything between us, other than a sweet little fling in NZ....we see how that turned out...

The night we got engaged at our favorite beach...that ended up being the beach we live right next to...Who knew? Florida, Engaged, Married....I am so glad my man moved us to was the best decision we ever made!

Last week at the beach....about one week left until we are married in this picture and I couldn't be more happy...Our story is different and at times our story has been nothing either of us ever expected, but it is the story that is who we are and we couldn't be happier!!

Thanks for supporting us and loving us and encouraging us...I am not sure how much I will be able to blog, but I PROMISE there will be pictures up from that day...

The next time you see me I will be Mrs. Dana Ackland....the happiest women in the world.

1 comment:

Erica said...

What the heck three days? What is your address cause I didn't get invited to the shower and I would really like to send my shower gift:). Congratulations. I am so excited for you and your new life. I love Sam's hair. It's super cool. Love you guys.