Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well I officially moved to my second house in New Zealand. Yesterday I left Beks and Greg's house, and now I am staying with Auntie Aly and Uncle Neville. Though it was sad to leave Beks and Greg, I am super excited to spend some time here.

Here is some pics of the new place:

(the new place)

(having dinner in the kitchen with Uncle Nev and Auntie Aly)

(one of the views)

I have made some GREAT friends here so far and I realized I need to start posting pictures so you guys can see them. Here are some fun friends that I deemed my fun and social friends. Well....actually I asked them if they would be my friends:) (they said yes...yay for me!)

Jared and Michelle are some of the key leaders I get to work with here, but they quickly became more than just work friends. Their care for people and character was talked about before I met them and after meeting them I see why so many people think so highly of them. Plus we just LAUGH a lot and I always keep special LOLLIES in my office for Michelle.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Check out "creepy white teeth girl"! no just jokes, but they are incredibly beautifully white!! love ya ;)