Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Officially Fall--for the 2nd time this year for me

So most people know its Fall when the leaves start to turn, back to school sales are all around, the nights are chillier, the days are shorter, kids are heading back to school, there are back to school nights, and Target is FULL of fall colors and Halloween stuff to buy....

But not me...I know when it is Fall when I smell the sweet scent of Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin...ahh Bath and Body I missed you. The body wash and lotion just bring me such good memories of times gone by, hope for what the future holds and what new memories will be made in this season. I was able to get my Fall Memory yesterday (thanks Mom!)and this morning as I used the yummy smelling scent in the shower--I stopped and literally said out is officially Fall!

There is nothing better than putting yummy smelling lotion on and knowing all is well in the world. I head to Redding today, where I have spent so many Falls. Fall always brought a school year (It is where I did Univ and worked for years), new hope for what I would learn and grow in, new friends, new students to spend time with, new school grades to see my friend's kids start...I think that this Fall will be no different. My guess is that this Fall will hold more new than I know what to do with...slightly having to do with the fact that I have no job, living with my sweet Raya (who is 6), have friends I miss TERRIBLY in NZ, a guy that could possibly be changing my life, and I will be living with my best friends with the other ones only hours away not a day away any more....minus Mich...who is still a day away :(

Life will be good this can it not? I have Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin on today!

1 comment:

Erica said...

How fun, we finally get to have you in our part of the world. Hope to see you soon.