Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Thrill of Risk

I drove to work in what Jacksoville considered "traffic." But can you really call it traffic if you are moving the whole time at speeds of 70 mph with other people passing you like crazy? I think not.

Man, how prepared I was because of my time in LA to make my morning commute. Now I do have to travel a bit with this new job, but the scenery is gorgeous (crossed over 3 beautiful bridges this morning) and the drive is continuous the whole time. There were so many times I sat in LA traffic wanting to shoot myself or someone else...think I had a bit of road rage? But this morning I actually was thankful for all the training LA gave me in my patience level in the car. Who would have thought...patience and car in the same sentence.

I am slowly feeling settled in here in Jacksonville. I am still doing all those annoying moving in things....electricity, internet, cable, etc. But for the most part I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought as I drove home tonight, how living where we live at the beach (I promise I will put up pictures soon!) is like going on vacation every night after work and every weekend. I feel like we escape to this little vacation home, relax (well currently we unpack and then I have to drive Sam back to his place, but for the illustration it works) enjoy the feel of the ocean and then get up the next morning and face life all over again.

It has been such a crazy ride this last year an a half and I NEVER EVER would have guessed Florida, much less a beautiful place at the beach, but man is it fun after not having a room of my own to move into a super spacious place. There have been some treachourous moments this last few weeks, and I am an idealist and always want life to be perfect. The more and more I learn about life, though, the more and more I realize just how to enjoy the moment in front of you.

A lot can happen in 12 months, and this year shows that like none other for me. Life is risky and I don't do it well, or without mistakes that is for sure, but I am glad I took this risk. I think I realized this week I would rather make tons of mistakes and experience the thrill of learning to trust people and God than never have that experience. It is hard, I'm not gonna lie. And there were many times I wondered if I would make it, but the thrill of trusting and holding on to hope in God and humanity is like nothing I have ever experienced. Sam reminded me this last few weeks that faith isn't just hope and trust in God but hope and belief in the human spirit and the value of humanity. That has sat with me for the last few days and as I started a new job, in a place where profit is important but they choose to value humanity just as highly or higher it is an interesting thought. What will this new place and these new people teach me about faith and trust. I think I have a lot to learn. So in the learning curve of a new job, I have a feeling, is a hidden many many other learning curves...

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