Friday, March 7, 2008

Sorry for the Blog Silence

Ever has those weeks where you look back to what you did on Monday and can't believe that was only 5 days away? That is definitely what happened this week, hence the lack of blogging...

Monday--started my week with a massage. Michelle and I both went down town to a spa and got an hour massage. I can tell you my back and shoulders was very excited about this! Pretty much we had a "girly day" as my friend Audrey would say. A spa, a massage, shopping (and I bought a sundress--that I can't believe I bought because the on sale price was 3x what I pay...but girly days call for moments like that every once in awhile. Clothes in NZ are SO expensive and to buy a dress for under $120 is a bargain--don't worry my dress was much cheaper than that, but still $120--what the heck?!)

Tuesday--had some great wins with the people I am working with and had some exciting stuff happen in my personal world--will write more about that on another day, I promise!

Wednesday--Started feeling a couple steps behind the world, didn't want to go work out and just wanted to lay on the couch...uh oh I was getting sick. Which of course is never fun, but this weekend I am teaching at an all womens camp. YIKES being sick is not good.

Thursday--full fledge sick! Slept on the couch for four hours, pumped myself with vitamin C, drank so much water I felt like I was swimming, and ended my long day of sickness with....a MIGRAINE! Awesome, huh? Went to bed pretty discouraged. Most of you know that I have a personal relationship with God. One of the things He says through the Bible is to pray for sickness. I just didn't feel like it would make a difference. I know, not much hope or faith for a girl that is supposed to have a faith in God...but sometimes that is just the reality of how I feal. I really felt like there was important things that I wanted to share this weekend, and more importantly the way I teach is to read the room/people and then move them a little bit forward from where they are. Pretty hard to do that with a foggy head and a Migraine. I asked a couple of friends to pray for me that night.

Friday--woke up with the headache still there :( (But I was awakend by one of my best friends Amy and I needed to talk to a friend that knew me well.) It was less than the night before, but still there and I didn't want it to get worse. I could feel it in my muscles so I got in for a massage with a lady in town. During my massage the headache went away! I had to giggle a little bit, though, because while I had asked friends to pray and I think that is what helped it I felt like God reinforced His love and desire to help through the massage therapist. She stated half way through the massage (and for those of you that get massages know they don't usually talk to you) I know you work at a church and when I massage people who follow Christ I pray for them....just a little FYI from God is what I think. The reminder that He is active in my life.

As I waited for someone to pick me up I wandered into the surf shop next door....wanna guess what I got? A sun dress for $20! Dana's officially back! Started my week with a massage and an expensive (for my taste/budget) dress and ended it with a massage and a Dana priced and style dress. Can life get any better?

Then on top of that, Sea Jay called me and I got to chat with her and right after I hung up the phone Danielle called me. It was just the shot in the arm I needed to do this weekend. (3 friend phone calls in one day! And a massage! And a $20 sundress on top of it! What a great Friday!! Seriously life can't get much better than that...well unless I was at Target--which is the only thing I miss from America currently:)

When I saw the friend that had dropped me off for the massage earlier in the day, she said surprised...oh you are different...Dana's back.

What a week! I will let you know how the weekend goes. I am teaching once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Communicating is always fun for me but I have to admit I am always a little nervous. To read a room is not alway easy, but to do that in a new culture is always challenge. Kiwi's are very different than Americans, and I want to honor the differences and not be an overwhelming American....we'll see how that goes:)

Until Monday....


palomarace said...

Dana, I called the number that I thought was the right one for you and I could not get through. Can you e-mail me your number to my art e-mail. I have been missing you big time and would love to chat!!!

palomarace said...

It was not in my inbox for some reason. Can you resend.