Monday, January 28, 2008

AGGHHHH..The glass is half full, but of full of what?

I know a few things about myself: I know that I LOVE chocolate, I know that I LOVE my friends, I know that I HATE traffic, I know that I like a clean kitchen, I know that I LOVE diet coke...just simple things, but I know these about myself. I also know that I see things in Big Picture, I view things very positively (I am a glass half full kind of girl), but I also know this: it takes me about two weeks to process what I just did, when I go into brand new situations. It is typically at that point that I freak out and any fear or insecurity that a normal person would feel at the beginning, I then feel and it comes crashing in on me.

Now, I know this about myself so it isn't a shock when it happens. But it does still crash....and "lucky" for me, it crashes in the middle of the night usually. Today I have officially been here two weeks. Wanna guess what happened in the middle of the night last night? Yep, woke up full of fear and worry. One tends to not be too rationale in the middle of the night, when I saw "one" I mean me. I had a friend say something to me last week that came back to me in the middle of this wonderful non sleep chaos that was like the half full glass (of cold water) that I was looking at hitting my face. He simply said God changed your life and that will affect others. All you have to be here is you and let the work of who you are come in contact with others. As I recalled that I was able to calm down a little and remembered in times past that words that are in the Bible have brought a sense of peace to me. I remembered a few word, silently repeating them to myself. I finally went back to sleep and woke up about 2 hours after I normally would have, but that's okay. My mind is a tad bit more rationale and most importantly I can laugh at myself this morning.

The glass will always be half full for me, but for me there is always this moment when I stop and think, "what is in the glass anyway?" For now I still think it is something great, like good ol' cold Diet Coke, waiting for me to take a great big drink and enjoy the bubbles and yummy taste.

Off for a run and to start my "first official" to you soon

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I think it is so great that you are willing to go on this adventure that God has set before you! You should be so proud of yourself, it is scary doing new things!