(I haven't been able to send emails for some reason, so for some of you that have emailed I will email soon, I PROMISE. And if you want my address here just send me an email and I will send you the address--but for now HI MOM & DAD:)
In that time I have experienced the beauty of NZ beaches/islands, eaten crazy stuff (Kinna--don't ask!, raw scallops, tuna fresh from the sea, YUMMY chocolate, Pavlova--NZ dessert which Sea Jay would LOVE it is like a giant cake that taste like a meringue cookie, L&P--a NZ soda, tons of GREAT cheese, and a FANTASTIC NZ coffee--YEP Derrick, you read that right I liked a coffee today)
(the Pavlova for Sea to see)
(see Derrick I really am drinking it)
At the same time I have entered a cyclone. Today on the Mount (what they call Mt. Maunganui) there are Cyclone warnings...tons of crazy winds, yet it is still warm with bits of sun here and there. In a lot of ways that is what I just stepped into. There is so much unknown, yet so much that I know I am supposed to be a part of while I am here. I forgot how much I thrive in the risk of that. I hated it in LA, and I am not sure of all the reasons why. But to reconnect to how much I thrive in adventure and risk has been good. It will be interesting as I hang out here and begin working to see if there is a reason why I come alive with the risk of the unknown.
There is really no "plan" on what I will be doing here, but there are people. Spending time listening to people and paying attention to what is spoken and unspoken is what I will do until I have clear direction. Relationships and trust are being built. They may be built to be able to help in some areas down the road or they may just be built because relationship are so important for life. Much like the cyclone that is coming there are many things happening all at once (wind, heat, rain, etc), all sorts of things relationally are happening (new friends, people feeling me out, new cultural difference to interact with, people watching me at all points and time, etc.) But even in the unknown and chaos of new beginnings this I believe to be true: Investments yield returns and investing in people is the most profitable thing I can do. I might never see the return and quite frankly there might be times when I lose something along the way, but to invest in people and trust the results beyond what I can see is what I believe is right and what excites me!
Cyclones bring chaos but they also add an element of surprise, sweep away things not needed, and make for very interesting things to see...The cyclone begins...come watch it and the effects with me.
Here are some pics for you guys to check out. Soon I will upload them all to flickr, but for now enjoy...
(My first house--camping at the beach--check out the luxury of my bed, seriously this was the best "camping" ever)
(My second house--Beks and Greg's)
(Beks and Greg in the living room)
(My Room)
(Me & Beks at brunch this morning)
(More of Flaxmill Bay)
yeah for beautiful New Zealand! I am so glad that you are feeling welcomed and cared for. I miss you a ton already! When will we be able to call you? I am dying. I felt torn when I read you blog between yeah it sounds so good and now don't enjoy it and come home. I know super selfish thought but that is what happens when I can't contact you. I become a horrible person. Hee Hee! All that to say I can't wait till we can talk again! LOve you sea
stressed backwards truley is desserts and judging by that pavlova, it is a yummy one!
so glad your first week has been an amazing one. we look forward to hearing about all He will do in you and through you while in NZ.
from the heart,
rachel :)
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