Monday, April 6, 2009

40 Hours + 9 States + LOTS of Diet Coke in 4 Days = My Next Adventure....I'm Moving to Jacksonville, Florida!!!

Life never seems to go the way I plan, but man is it ALWAYS full of adventure! The lack of blogs has been, quite frankly, PATHETIC! But without a schedule, I don't always do so good. But a schedule is coming soon! Sam and I are moving to Jacksonville, FL this week. We are SO excited about this next adventure, and I am not going to of the most exciting things to me is having an apartment again and having a washer and dryer!

This last month has been FULL of life decisions, saying good byes, sorting SO many details I thought my mind was going to explode, and trying to find jobs. Sam has a job in Florida and I am well on my way to finding one. I can have an apartment (YAY!!!)and Sam can live for free with family.

I have to say Florida was NEVER EVER in my life plan (but we know how my life plans have been going lately) While in Florida, which was PURELY a visit, so many things fell together that we looked at each other one night and had to laugh at the turn of events. I also laughed one night in Florida, as I was watching the news and they were saying the top 3 worst states to find a job....yep, California was one of them. I shook my head and thought, what the heck are we doing trying to make it in CA?! Little did I know less than a week later we would really be contemplating moving out of California!

We are filled with such mixed emotions, sad to leave and excited to start this new adventure. Plus we are pretty excited to get to live by the beach again!!! YAY for warm weather! Saying good byes this last week was torture, but I reminded myself how many times I say good bye, only to come back and visist with new stories and experiences to share.

I will keep you updated on life as we go and I am sure that there will be many BLOG WORTHY moments in the next can all that driving and moving to a new city not be!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Yay! You have a plan in hand and a future to anticipate and get ready for, that has got to feel SO good after so much uncertainty and question these last few months, although lots of fun was had too! I wish you the best, can't wait to see how it all unfolds...
PS. How fun I got a hug in at McConnell before you left!