My friend, Emma, I think could be a "mind reader." Yesterday she showed up after work at my house with these beautiful flowers
and 4 of these
Yes you read that right 4....she called them "supplies." Emma is a part of a group I go to weekly and she just noticed that I wasn't myself one night. She asked me about it, and I just smiled and said how about you just make me laugh. We laughed about how girls want to just eat ice cream when life doesn't go the way we plan, but I told her I have no weight watcher ice cream at home, and I don't want to go OUT OF CONTROL eating all the ice cream in my house--which I can so easily do. But all those grocery stores close at 9pm or 10pm in this town! So I couldn't even go make the all important "I want, don't need, ice cream" run.
Hence why she showed up the next day, saying "I don't know what is going on but I thought you might need some supplies...4 WW ice creams and flowers." Then in her hilarious way she says, "I know it would be better if I was a hot guy showing up at your door with these, but...." What a good friend and what a PERFECT GIFT!
Then the next morning I was getting ready and whining a little bit about my life to myself and there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and saw these...
My best friends here sent me flowers...
Funny how life is sometimes. I believe there is a God and I believe He sees me and cares about who I am. I believe He knows all things. I believe He saw the parts of me that needed Weight Watcher Ice Cream and specific is that? And did my friends know that daisies are my favorite flower that make me happy? Who knows? But I do know that God knows that.
Life throws you many curve balls, but then there are moments that all the curve balls seem to not necessarily make sense, but they do seem to be okay. All the curve balls in life sometimes are just a reminder that you are in a REALLY fun baseball game. I miss the feeling of going to a baseball games--no Dodger gamesfor me this year--Aiello family I would always choose to go to Giants games but the stadium was way to far away from me in LA :)
This afternoon I feel like I was reminded I was in a game. I sat across the table from one of my friends here in NZ and got to share a part of her spiritual journey with her. I was able to speak from my own life experience, listen to her life experience and share with her some thoughts about God for her to think about. It was such a privilege to share life with her today. I never get used to the great joy it is to sit and listen to someone share vulnerable parts of their past and present. People trusting us with their life is not a right we have as friends, but a privilege that I don't ever take lightly.
What do Curve Balls, Flowers, and WW ice cream all have in common? Reminders of life, relationship and love...
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