Monday, June 9, 2008

"They're not Thomas' English Muffins"

There is a moment when you know that you have watched WAY to much TV over the years. And simultaneously know that you are OLD. Do you remember that Thomas' English Muffin commercial from forever ago? There was always some cute little kid and a parent or a brother and then a generic English Muffin would get served--and the kids would say "it isn't a Thomas' English Muffin." Today I had an English Muffin for breakfast (Michelle might die that I actually ate breakfast food for breakfast, but I did!)

It is the first time I had one here and in fact they are called Crumpets here (which makes me smile and feel like I am in the movies eating crumpets, but I digress...) As I opened the package and got it ready for the toaster, I actually said, 'whoa, this isn't a Thomas' English Muffin." What the heck? Have I been that influenced by the media and marketing? Yes I have! I laughed to myself this morning and thought of fond memories of my mom making English Muffins for us and always saying...these are the best because they have the most nooks and crannies....Ahh, sweet memory, you think. Yes it is a sweet memory, but it is also the crazy way that marketers get into our memories. Here is the package below and I had to laugh at the tag line that is kind of hard to read, but here it is: "The tradition of Thomas' english muffins with all the nooks and crannies you love…"

I am a sucker for memories, which therefore makes me a sucker for good marketing. You never know when you are creating a memory, but I think that the marketing industry (especially in the States) is brilliant at creating them for us and then making us "NEED" things or long nostalgically for things of our past. Memories are weird because they are a past experience that often gives direction and hope for the future. Think about probably have so many memories of when you are young--good and bad. But often times those memories drive your life. "I want to be a mom like my mom. I want to be a teacher like my dad. I want to do what I played when I was little." Or they are more negative: "I never want 'that experience'" (whether it is lack of money, lack of love, lack of discipline, etc) so you change your future based on the memory of what was true for you.

We have the chance to create memories for people all the time. But what kind of memories am I creating for those around me? Sometimes I have to remember not everyone is like me, so I have to be more open to the fact that they do life different. The way they process life and the way they take my words or actions are very different than maybe I meant them. This is what makes memories tricky sometimes, I think. I could be be bopping along thinking I am making good memories for people, when in reality I might leave a destructive trail behind me. How do the marketers do it? They listen. Simple as that. They listen to the world around them and then create memories around that, create desires around that, create hunger around that. But they have tapped into something huge I think--they create that by making a memory (it would be called a brand if you are in the marketing industry). Then every time you see that "thing" or are reminded of the memory that was created you will WANT that thing again. Example: Starbucks for me, and not just Starbucks but the cup.

Oh the cup. Even just seeing the picture does something to me. There is something that feels good about holding the cup. It reminds me of sweet moments with friends over coffee. It reminds me of Janice and her mentoring me. It reminds me of seasons of life. When I see the cup I feel like I need to get Starbucks. What is the funny part about this? I don't even LIKE coffee!! How in the world do they do that...they create a memory for me. Then they even go so far as to do this...

Seriously now I HAVE to buy that cup! Why? Because I love coffee? No. Because I love Los Angeles? Not necessarily. Because it will always remind me of the years I spent in LA? BINGO! BRILLIANCE....SHEER BRILLIANCE!!

I wonder what memory I evoke for people...creating memories and brands are a part of human nature. We are remembered by what we have done and what we have said. The marketers just took everyday life and capitalized on it. I want my life to be as memorable as an old TV commercial and as sweet as the memories of someone's favorite season of life. That would be a life well lived!

1 comment:

trisha loves to paint said...

dana! post a new blog!!!
Please! :)