Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Official

I am missing lots of things back in the States. Some things I miss are silly....TARGET (man I can't wait to get back there!)

Some things I miss are simple....
starting my car and having it work,
paying for gas and getting more than 2 gallons,
going to fast food (well the truth is I didn't go that much in the States but for some reason I miss it here),
eating popcorn at Scott & Amy's house,
the grocery store that has stuff that I black beans
And oh yeah I MISS mexican food!

But mostly I miss some of the people that make me smile in the states....

Laughing in Sea's kitchen (which is now her OLD kitchen...can't wait to see the new one!) with my friends for hours!

Good time in Pasadena!!! Islands can't be that far away if we are all together!

Best friend reunions and being TAN!

Bagels, Diet Cokes and Girls I LOVE!

The Aiello house!!!

My WW friends!

Time with the kids!!!
(this isn't ALL the kids at ALL!! But this picture seemed to represent what I missed...funny moments with all of them. I can't wait to see them all!!!!! Auntie Dana is officially ready to take you to ice cream, candy and the movies!!!!)

The Reynolds!

JANICE!!!!! (and Disneyland Of Course..)

For those of you that don't is the official statement: (Mich you might want to skip this line) I am flying home on Sept 13th (But me and Mich and the Wed Wines girls are still saying there is still an IF in that sentence) Barring something crazy--which is always a likely possibility in my life--it looks like I will be flying into LA on Sept 13th! My emotions are mixed. For the first time I finally began accepting it last week and I actually could picture myself in the States again. I haven't quite grasped the concept that I won't be hanging out with my friends here everyday yet....I have just arrived at seeing myself in CA. In my head, I think I just assume that all my NZ friends will be there with me...that isn't true??? It sure feels true!

So maybe it is a good sign that I am missing some things from home. It isn't a good sign that I get INCREDIBLY sad thinking of not hanging out with people here--so pretty much I just don't think of it at all. Ignoring it seems to be working just fine!!

I don't know what Sept holds, but I do know that even though I miss things in the States--I will leave my heart in NZ....the only bummer about moving all over the tend to make friends, then be SO sad they aren't a part of your every day life! So for those of you in LA, will you pencil me in for the week of Sept 13th? And for those of you in Redding...I should be home the next week. And Mom and Dad--how I love you!!! And will be so glad to by at your house for a couple of nights!!!

And for those of you in NZ...please hang out with me ALL the time until Sept!!! :)


Rachel said...

Hey!! So excited that you are coming home in September! Just wanted to bring a huge smile to your face by reminding you that you have until mid October to catch a baseball game at Angel Stadium! Yeah!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
from the heart,
Rachel :)

MaMaBird said...

Hiya Cutie.... Joe and I are so happy to know you'll be back in CA. We know our happiness is going to be NZ sadness, cuz you always leave grace and beauty wherever you go!!! Hopefully your travels back through CA will include a stop in Oakdale... can't wait to hug you and squeeze you and welcome you home! Whatever lies ahead for you will be wonderful and whatever we can do to help in anyway you can count on us.... We love you sweetie!!!

Shannon said...

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Can we have a coffee date at some point!

SeaJay said...

You know how I feel, the plans just keep getting better! So exciting. Enjoy every moment you can there. love you and miss you!!

Kerri said...

I can't wait to see you my friend! It will be good to have a good heart to heart in person! Love you!

Mother of Pearl said...

My heart is singing for joy that my Dana will be home...Standing invitation to stay in my messy home.
Missed you...I have Dodger tickets for Sept 19...They are playing the GIANTS....You are invited to join us, even if you are a Giants fans
Love ya