Monday, April 7, 2008

Ahh...1-800 numbers

So what did I realize I take for granted today?  1-800 numbers!!  Today has been one of those very frustrating "I do not live in the States" days.  I am trying to switch over or cancel things from the States still!!  It has been a few weeks now and it still isn't all done.  Which I HATE.  I like things finished, complete, tied in a nice little bow, not left undone.  This just hasn't been my luck with some of these things.  I have managed alright for the last few weeks, but yesterday and today I wanted to pull my hair out!

It started with my credit card company putting a hold on my card.  I figured it was because they saw use of the card in NZ, but seriously?!  It has been 3 months since I have been here, using the card at least on a weekly basis.  Then I was able to get a 1-800 number to call...but 1-800 numbers are NOT free from NZ!  AGHH!!  I spend an hour on the phone with my mom, the NZ operator, then finally the people at the credit card company.  It was all sorted out, but for some reason my Skype will no longer accept my credit card!!!!  So I spent another hour trying to fix that and finally said forget it I am going to lunch with Michelle and not dealing with it at all!  I know, I know, super healthy right? (but it was the best lunch ever! And I was again so thankful that I had a friend like her in NZ:)  I usually am not a procrastinator but I just couldn't handle one more moment of feeling so helpless.  I never realized how much I took 1-800 numbers for granted.  Yeah, sometimes they were annoying when you were put on hold, but I always knew I could get through.

Well today I spent another few hours trying to get ahold of my cell phone company to fax them a letter saying I really live in NZ and am not trying to just get out of my contract, then with United to try and extend my ticket. Which almost worked but the time difference is now 5 hours (well and the day before, ie it is 5:45pm on Tuesday here and 10:45pm on Monday in the States).  And another hour trying to remedy my Skype issues.  And did any of that happen? gutted (my favorite new word I learned in NZ--it just means really really bummed, but it just describes it so much better I think).

All that to say I will never take 1-800 numbers for granted and I will NOT complain when I am hold with them there.  We really do have a convenient country...the good ol' USofA :)

So if you are dialing a 1-800 number this week and you are tempted to be annoyed, just be thankful that you can actually pick up the phone and quickly hear something (even though you might not hear a real person for awhile at least you are in their phone system).

Have a great day!!!


Erica said...

Man I think you need a trip to office depot. You need some chocolate.

Adrian Del Monte said...

you know what gutted me once?

that time i had a mexican cop $20 to get back into the states. I wonder what 1-800 number i would call to complain about that!

Jennifer said...

gutted...I do believe I have felt this way once or twice in my life...I like this phrase