Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Gas Gods Are Wreaking Havoc

Okay so I gather from some of your emails and blogs that gas prices are out of control in the States....and I know that Memorial Day is coming which seems to release the Gas Gods, to set gas prices at the all time high for the year.  

But let me give you a little perspective


A liter

That means


A Gallon


So when you fill up your tank remember:  "it could be worse I could be in a small country at the bottom of the world getting gas right now."

Enjoy the summer sun...no summer sun for me  :(


Kerri said...

Yikes is right! Guess you'll be bustin' out your bike!

Unknown said...

never mind the missing the summer sun its all about winter fun

have you ever been to an active volcano and then driven up it to go skiing/snowboarding? no i dont think so