Saturday, May 24, 2008

Masquerade Ball

I went to my first Ball in NZ last night!!! It is kind of like a prom...but not for high school kids. There was lots of dancing and you guys would not believe me if I told you how much I danced...I am not sure what happened to me, but i actually liked it!! In fact I am glad that I did not use my video recording function on my digital camera....let's just say what happened on the dance floor should stay on the dance floor!! Though there are some compromising pictures of me on some people's camera....let's hope they stay on their camera and don't go floating around!

The best part for me was the getting all dressed up and doing fun things with our hair and make up. I got ready at Michelle's and we did fun stuff with Mac make up and curled our hair--as you do when you go to a ball!

Here is me and Michelle...Pre Ball--no masks yet, but in our dresses that were GREAT deals! Mine was only $20 and hers was only $30!!!

Nichole, Shanny, and Danielle you would be so proud of my smokey eyes! I went on you tube and found a "smokey eyes tutorial" -- I know, so nerdy! But Nichole told me that would be the easiest way for me to see how to do it. And she was right! I got compliments all night on my smokey eyes! Thanks Nichole

And look how cute Katie's and Bek's "masks" are! They avoided the hot sweaty feeling I had under my mask...So CREATIVE!

And here are some good friends, Steve and Merryn, that I always have a GOOD time with in NZ. Tonight was NO different. You should have seen our old school dance moves on the floor! They were "Julieanne Qualls Material!"

Then there was Uncle Neville and Auntie Ali...What can you say to that? They always go all out!!! But my most favorite part of their outfits was how EXCITED Uncle Neville got about the feathers on his mask. Apparently, him and his mates spend $15 for a small amount of those feathers on his mask to make fly fishing things...and he got his whole mask for $2...he was in fisherman heaven!

All in all it was a fun night!


Mother of Pearl said...

Ahhhh you have finally crossed over to my world..and it was fun wasn't it...Hee Heee...
Love you

Erica said...

That looks like so much fun. Great job on your makeup! I would have had to watch a tutorial too. I am glad you are having so much fun.

Kerri said...

You look so beautiful my friend. The ball sounded like so much fun. I love reading about your life. I've been missing you this week. Did you get Jacob's message on your phone? He is wearing the NZ shirt today and looks so cute! I took some pics and will post one on my blog this week. Love you.

Love For Glamour said...

YOUR SO HOT DANA! I loved it! You did a great job with your makeup too! :) I told you utube would come in handy! i use it all the time! :) Its our secret...

Love ya!

Fleck, the Mrs. said...

You're makeup looks amazing and you look SO BEAUTIFUL...unreal. Can I date you? Miss you.