Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Life Showed Up in a Package

Two of my favorite people in the world, Kimberly and Holly, sent me 27 Dresses in the mail this week!!!! I was so excited I was dancing around the house. If you keep up on my blog you know that I not only loved this movie....and saw it 2 times in the movie theater, but it is the story of my life! Complete with my issues and all :)

I was just looking in my friend Jared's DVD store the day before and saw that this movie isn't even coming out on DVD for another couple of months and I whined about how bad I wanted it. Then Wednesday night I got home late after a VERY long week to a great package from Kimberly and Holly. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!!!

It was one of the best surprises I have got and one I never guessed! They also sent me a VERY cool book on Product Red created by Bono and Bobby Shriver to help create awareness for HIV/AIDS in Africa. I was so moved by this whole project and went out that day and bought an Inspi(RED) hoodie. I am amazed at what Bono has done with his influence and his creativity. He inspires me, because not only is he the most talented music artist, he is actively serving humanity. He has maximized his influence. And for me this is even more dear to my heart. You see I have traveled to Africa and seen some of the devastation up close that AIDS/HIV has caused. More than that though, I am going to have a new little niece or nephew from Ethiopia in the next year!!! One of my best friends, and roommate from college, is adopting from Ethiopia. This is something that I have seen her dream of since I met her 14 years ago (YIKES has it really been that long since we started college?!)

If you haven't checked out any of the Product Red stuff, take the time to do it. You won't be disappointed!!

So Kimberly and Holly sent me a gift that seem to be my life in a package: A Movie I LOVE & A Movement that inspires my life!

Thank you KIMBERLY AND HOLLY!!!!! I NEEDED to get that package on that day this week! You two are wonderful!!


1 comment:

Shannon said...

I loved the end...Wasn't it the best part of the movie! I hear you....27 dresses I could so relate! I too love Bono and what he is doing! Is Stacey adopting??? I am so excited for her!